As some of you have been following me since Orla’s birth, you’ve watched her blossom into this lil force to be reckoned with! Her will is STRONG. Her independence, her confidence, her sensitivity, are a challenge for me as a mom. She is so incredibly intelligent. I felt when she turned 2 years old, she would be a good candidate for Preschool. I plugged her right into it before the Holiday’s. She walked right in, head held high, with a huge smile on her face, yelling “BYE MOMMMMMM!” It made me sad, thinking about how I was putting a 2 year old into preschool, but she needed it. It’s been the perfect outlet for her. She still throws massive daily tantrums, and I’m still learning how to cope with those. As far as her short time in preschool she’s made leaps and bounds with her speech, knows all her primary colors, can count to 10, loves to draw and paint like her big sister. She’s a creative little soul. She’s an old soul. I have enjoyed watching her LOVE preschool.
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