Dear Pella.

June 8, 2016

Dear Pella,

Today you were promoted to 1st grade. For some this may not be “that” big of deal, but for me it is. I will make it a point as your mother to acknowledge all of your accomplishments to the best of my ability. I barely remember kindergarten, only bits and pieces. I remember meeting girls that all these years later are still my best friends. My dad took a similar photo of my kindergarten graduation ceremony that still makes me smile when I see it. I can only hope for you that you can say the same when you’re my age. I hope you realize how important education is, and why we chose for you to have a Catholic Education. My Catholic education built the foundation for the person I am today. We may not go to Church like most of the families in your school, but do not let that affect the faith you will learn to have in your life.

You are 6 years old, you are still a tiny little peanut, but you are not the smallest in your class. That’s a little fun fact. You love art, and being creative.  Your favorite thing I think you like the most in school is playing Kickball. You talk about it all the time when I pick you up. You’re not big on math, but neither am I! Your teachers this year have been nothing short of fabulous, and they seem to adore you. You had a rough patch mid year with some bulling. Let me tell you this wasn’t the first time and it won’t be the last. Kids are mean. You will learn that killing people with kindness …even the meanest people is the best thing you can do. You have learned this year about “personal space” I hope you can continue to not allow people to violate that space of yours. You are learning to read, it’s been fascinating watching you see words and blurt them out. Your penmanship is blossoming. I love to write, I hope you learn to love typography and handwriting, it’s becoming a thing of the past. You enjoy ‘Afterschool Care’, even though you don’t need to go, I let you go so you can stay and play with your friends, and probably play more kickball. You’re not a fan of Mass, it’s not easy at your age, but if someone said I had to sit in silence for 45 min I’d be there in a HEART BEAT. Your student # is 14. Your 8th grade buddy’s name is Lilly, she’s a pretty girl like you. It will be so fun to see you be an 8th grade buddy to kindergartner someday . I am so proud of you for being kind to your peers, and behaving so well at school. I know at home can be a different story, and that’s okay. You bring me so much joy, and you are growing up so fast! Here’s to completing kindergarten, and moving onto 1st grade! I love you.




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Heres me on my First Day of Kindergarten and that photo I wrote above. My Kinder promotion ceremony with my two best friends Tiffany & Jessica. 26 years later!

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One thought on “Dear Pella.

  1. tamara

    this made me tear up & i cannot even tell you why. just the sweetest. she’s lucky to have you … you’re blessed by her. keep on keepin on, i guess. you’re clearly doing it right.


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